Institutes | InstitutesI | UKMD | FME |
Preclinical Institutes |
-- Institute of Anatomy | IANA | | X |
- Neuroanatomy | NANA | | |
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology | IBZ | | X |
Institute of Medical Psychology | IMP | | X |
Institute of Molecular Biology and Medical Chemistry | IMMC | | X |
Institute of Physiology | IPHY | | X |
- Developmental Physiology | PHYEW | | X |
- Neurophysiology | NPHYS | | X |
Clinical-theoretical Institutes without services in health care |
Institute of General Medicine | IALM | | X |
Institute of Biometrics and Medical Informatics | IBMI | | X |
Institute of Inflammation and Neurodegeneration | IIN | | X |
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology | IPT | | X |
Institute of Social Medicine and Health Economics | ISMG | | X |
- Social Medicine | SOM | | X |
- Health Economics | GOE | | X |
Clinical-theoretical Institutes with services in health care |
Department of Occupational Medicine | IAM | | X |
Institute of Human Genetics | IHG | X | X |
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry | IKCP | X | X |
- Clinical Chemistry / Central Laboratory | IKC | X | |
- Pathological Biochemistry | PBC | | X |
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology | IKP | X | X |
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene | IMMB | X | X |
- Infektionsimmunologie | IFIMM | | X |
Institute of Molecular and Clinical Immunology | IMKI | X | X |
Translational Inflammation Research | TEF | | X |
Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology/Blood Bank | ITIB | X | X |
Geschlechtersensible Medizin und Prävention | GSM | | X |
Centre for Pathology and Forensic Medicine | ZPR | | |
Institute of Pathology | IPA | | |
Institute of Neuropathology | INPA | | |
Forensic Medicine (UKMD- Employee, Institute of University Hospital Halle) | IRM | | |
Experimentelle Pathologie | EXPAT | | |
Clinics | ClinicsK | UKMD | FME |
University Clinic for General, Visceral, Vascular and Transplant Surgery | KCHI | X | X |
- Department of Vascular Surgery | CHG | X | |
- Department of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Traumatology | CHK/KCHK | X | X |
- Molecular and Experimental Surgery | MEC | | X |
University Clinic for Trauma Surgery | KCHU | X | X |
University Clinic for Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery | KCHP | X | X |
- Abteilung Mikrogravitation und Translationale Regenerative Medizin | MTRM | | X |
University Clinic for Cardio and Thoracic Surgery | KCHH | X | X |
- Thoracic Surgery | CHT | X | X |
University Orthopaedic Clinic | KORT | X | X |
- Experimental Orthopedics | EXOR | | X |
University Eye Clinic | KAUG | X | X |
University Clinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology | KURO | X | X |
University Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery | KHNO | X | X |
- Department of Experimental Audiology | EXA | | X |
University Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery | KMKG | X | X |
University Women's Clinic | KGYN | X | X |
- Experimental Gynaecology and Obstetrics | EXGYN | | X |
- Department for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological Endocrinology | KREP/KRE | X | X |
Centre for Internal Medicine | ZIM | X | X |
University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology | KKAR | X | X |
Department of Pneumology | KPNE | X | X |
University Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectology | KGHI | X | X |
University Clinic for Nephrology and hypertension, diabetology and endocrinology | KNEP | X | X |
- Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders | KEND | X | X |
University Clinic for Haematology,Oncology and cell therapy | KHAE | X | X |
Institute for Experimental Internal Medicine | IEIM | | X |
Specialist Department for Rheumatology (ext.) | RHEU | | X |
University Paediatric Clinic | KPAE | X | X |
- Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology | KPHO | X | X |
- Department of Experimental Paediatrics and Neonatology | EXPAE | | X |
- Bereich Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel | PENSW | X | |
University Clinic for Dermatology | KHAU | X | X |
University Clinic for Neurology | KNEU | X | X |
Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research | IKND | | X |
University Clinic for Neurosurgery | KCHN | X | X |
University Clinic for Stereotactic Neurosurgery | KCHS | X | X |
University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | KPSY | X | X |
University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy | KPSM | X | X |
Clinic for Paediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry (Clinic of Hospital Klinikum Magdeburg gGmbH) | KKJP | | X |
Centre for Radiology | ZRAD | X | X |
University Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine | KRN | X | X |
- Diagnostic Radiology | KDR | X | X |
- Nuclear Medicine | KNUK | X | X |
- Experimentelle Radiologie | EXRAD | | X |
University Clinic for Neuroradiology | KNRAD | X | X |
University Clinic for Radiation Therapy | KSTR | X | X |
University Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy | KAIT | X | X |
Central Services / Administration | ZEZ | UKMD | FME |
Supervisory Board | AR | X | X |
Managing Board of the Clinical Center | KLIVO | X | |
Faculty Board | FAVO | | X |
Dean's Office | DEK | | X |
- Drittmittelverwaltung | DMV | | X |
- Referat für Finanzen und Controlling | FICO | | X |
- Press Office | PRST | | X |
- Research Unit | REFO | | X |
-- INKA - Innovation Laboratory for Image Guided Therapy | INKA | | X |
-- Central Animal Laboratory | ZTL | | X |
- Clinical Study Coordinating Centre | KKS | | X |
- Department of History, Ethics and Theory of Medicine | GET | | X |
-- Klinisches Ethikkomitee | KEK | | X |
-- Competence Centre e-Learning | ZEL | | X |
-- Medical Terminology | TERM | | X |
- Dean of Studies Office | SDEK | | X |
-- International Office | AAA | | X |
-- Faculty Student Council | FARA | | X |
-- SkillsLab/Praktika Magdeburger Ausbildungszentrum für Medizinische Basisfertigkeiten | MAMBA | | X |
Medical Directorate | AED | X | |
- quality commissioner Hemotherapy | QBHT | X | |
- Staff Medical Service | PED | X | |
- Central Emergency Admissions Department Block 60 | ZNA | X | |
-- Admissions Ward Block 60 | H60TK/AUFN | X | |
- Central Pharmacy | ZAP | X | |
-- Department stationary care | ZAPSV | X | |
-- Department general drug manufacturing | ZAPAA | X | |
-- Departmente sterile and aseptic drug manufacturing | ZAPSA | X | |
-- Department laboratory diagnostika / pharmacy control | ZAPLD | X | |
- Surgery Management | OPM | X | |
- Hospital Hygiene and Antibiotic Stewardship | KHY | X | |
- Specialist Radiation Protection | S13 | X | |
- Specialist Central Quality Management | S14 | X | |
-- Quality Management | QM | X | |
- rocessing unit for medical products | AEMP | X | |
Care Directorship | PFD | X | |
-- practice instructor | PFDAZG | X | |
-- jumper pool | PFDPOOL | X | |
-- ITS-Pool | PFDI | X | |
-- OP-Pool | PFDOP | X | |
-- Pflege-Pool konservativ | PFDK | X | |
-- op functional service | PFDOPF | X | |
- Sozial Service | SOD | X | |
- Physio- und Ergotherapie | PHER | X | |
-- Physiotherapy / Ergotherapy | PHT/H60PH | X | |
-- Ergotherapy | ERT | X | |
- Patient Assistance Service | PBD | X | |
- Training Centre for Health Care Professions | AZG | X | |
Commercial Directorship | KD | X | |
Business Unit Finance and Cost Control | G1 | X | |
- Department of Financial Accounting and Taxation | G1.1/G11 | X | |
-- Subject field Business Accounting | G1.1.1/G11 | X | |
-- Subject field Accounts Receivable | G1.1.2/G11 | X | |
-- Subject Field Accounts Payable | G1.1.3/G11 | X | |
- Department of Cost Control and Business Administration | G1.2/G12 | X | |
- Department of Patient Administrative Management and Invoicing | G1.3/G13 | X | |
-- Subject Field Stationary Patient Admission | G1.3.1/G13 | X | |
-- Subject Field Outpatient Cost Assurance and Accounting | G1.3.2/G13 | | |
-- Subject Field Stationary Cost Assurance and Accounting | G1.3.3/G13 | | |
Business Unit Human Resources | G2 | | |
- Department of Human Resource Issues for Employees, Manual Workers, Officials, Third-party funded staff, University Statistics and Partial Retirement | G2.1/G21 | | |
- Department of Further Training and Education and General Human Resource Issues | G2.3/G23 | | |
-- G2 Auszubildende | AZUBI | | |
-- G2 Auszubildende Duales System | AZUBIDS | | |
-- Corporate Health Management | G2G | | |
- Human Resource Issues Section - Faculty of Medicine | K24 | | |
- Sekretariatspool | Sekpool | | |
Business Unit Central Purchasing | G3 | | |
- Stabsstelle Einkaufsdienstleistungen / Strategischer Verbrauch / Key Account | G3.S1/G3 | | |
- Stabsstelle Stammdatenpflege / Verbrauchssteuerung MAWI / Datenauswertung | G3.S2/G3 | | |
- Specialist Project Management | G3.S3/G3 | | |
- Purchasing Department | G3.1/G31 | | |
- Operative Purchasing | G3.2/G32 | | |
- Warehouse Management | G3.3/G33 | | |
- building purchase | G3.4/G34 | | |
Business Unit Engineering and Buildings | G4 | | |
- HBFG (University Construction Act), Job Management, General Repairs Section | G4.SBC/G4 | | |
- Buildings Department | G4.1/G41 | | |
-- Construction Maintenance | G4.1.3/G41 | | |
- Operating Systems Technology Department | G4.2/G42 | | |
-- Subject Field Electrical Engineering | G4.2.1/G42 | | |
-- Subject Field Telecommunication and control technology | G4.2.2/G42 | | |
-- Subject Field Thermal Energy and Sanitary Facilities | G4.2.3/G42 | | |
-- Subject Field Mechanical Engineering | G4.2.4/G42 | | |
- Company space management and facility organization | G4.3/G43 | | |
Business Unit Logistics and Central Services | G5 | | |
- General Administration | G5.1/G51 | | |
-- Verwaltungsangelegenheiten | G5.1.1/G51 | | |
-- nursery school UMMD | G5.1.2/G51 | | |
-- Poststelle | G5.1.3/G51 | | |
-- Entsorgung | G5.1.4/G51 | | |
-- Grünanlagen | G5.1.5/G51 | | |
-- Telefonzentrale | G5.1.6/G53 | | |
-- Zentralarchiv ambulant / stationär | G5.1.7/G53 | | |
-- Wäschereileistungen, Schädlingsbekämpfung | G5.1.8/G53 | | |
-- Reinigungsleistungen, Verpflegungsleistungen | G5.1.9/G53 | | |
- Transport LogisticsTransport Logistics | G5.2/G52 | | |
-- Subject Field Transport | G5.2.1/G52 | | |
-- Home Assistance Services | G5.2.2/G52 | | |
Business Unit IT and Medical Technology | G6/ITMT | | |
- Medical Technology Service Department | G6.1/G61 | | |
-- Subject field Clinic Engineer | G6.1.1/G61 | | |
-- Subject Field Medical Electronical Engineering | G6.1.2/G61 | | |
-- Subject Field Medical Mechanical Engineering | G6.1.3/G61 | | |
-- Subject Field Radiology Techniques | G6.1.4/G61 | | |
- Hardware and Service-Management Department | G6.2/G62 | | |
- Networks and Communication Department | G6.3/G63 | | |
- System Management and Imaging-System Department | G6.4/G64 | | |
- Clinical and Adminstrativ Application Department | G6.5/G65 | | |
- Abteilung Projekte | G6.7/G67 | | |
-- Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz | KHZG | | |
Geschäftsbereich Unternehmenscontrolling und Digitalisierung | G7 | | |
- Department Business Controlling | G7.1/G71 | | |
- Department Specialist Human Resource Controlling & Time Management | G7.2/G72 | | |
- Department Medical Controlling | G7.3/G73 | | |
- Rechnungsprüfungen/MD-Management | G7.4/G74 | | |
- Department Riskmanagement | G7.5/G75 | | |
- Digitalisierung | G7.6/G76 | | |
- Zentraler Schreibdienst | G7.7/G77 | | |
Specialist Legal Department, data privacy, compliance | S8 | | |
Specialist Occupational Safety Department | S9 | | |
Stabsstelle Medizinische Versorgungszentren | SMVZ | | |
Management Board Division Marketing, Communication and Media | V1 | | |
Organisation | V1.1/V11 | | |
Editing | V1.2/V12 | | |
Layout | V1.3/V13 | | |
Media Service | V1.4/V14 | | |
Management Board Division Information Security | V2 | | |
Vorstandsbereich 3 - Zentrales Projektmanagement und Unternehmensentwicklung | V3 | | |
Vorstandsbereich 4 – Arbeits- und Tarifrecht | V4 | | |
Vorstandsbereich 5 - Medizinmanagement | V5 | | |
- Assignment management | BELM | | |
- Patientenmanagement | V5.1/V51 | | |
- Digitalisierung klinischer Prozesse | V5.2/V52 | | |
Vorstandsbereich 6 - Neubau Campus Zentralklinikum | V6 | | |
Central Medical Library | MZB | | |
University Clinical Center Staff Council | PRMED | | |
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte | GBAÖR | | |
Schwerbehindertenvertretung des Universitätsklinikums A.ö.R. | SBVMED | | |
Central Biobank Magdeburg | ZBM | | |
Centre for Cellular Imaging and Innovative Disease Models | ZEBIK | | |
Datenintegrationszentrum | DIZ | | |
Central German Network of Excellence for Rare Diseases | MKSE | | |
Oncology Center | ONKZ | | |
- Klinisches Tumorregister UMMD | KTR | | |
External Institutions on the UKMD/FME Campus | EXTE | UKMD | FME |
Ärztekammer Sachsen-Anhalt | AEKSA | | |
Aktion Knochenmarkspende Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | AKSA | | |
Workers' Samaritan Federation | ASB | | |
KVSA Bereitschaftsdienst Praxis | KVBD | | |
BRU Security GmbH Dienstleister Wachschutz | BRU | | |
Surveillance & Security Company Saxony-Anhalt | BSU | | |
German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Helmholtz Association (Dementia Centre) | DZNE | | |
Elis Textilmanagement GmbH (Berendsen) | BERENDSE | | |
Otto von Guericke University Ethics Committee (FME/UKMD) | ETHIK | | |
Saxony-Anhalt Malformation Monitoring | MONZ | | |
Förderverein für das Blutspendewesen in Magdeburg e.V. | FBMD | | |
Association of Friends and Sponsors of University Medicine in Magdeburg e.V. | FFUMMD | | |
Institute of Biology (UniMD) | IBIO | | |
Institute of Experimental Physics (UniMD) | IEP | | |
- Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance | BMMR | | |
Magdeburg Institute of Medical Technology | IMTM | | |
Institute of Neurosimulation and Imaging Technologies | INB | | |
Institut für Public Health in der Akutmedizin | IPHAM | | |
Institute of Quality Assurance in Surgical Medicine | IQOM | | |
International Graduate School - Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes (ABINEP) | ABINEP | | |
Klinikum Magdeburg | KMD | | |
- Klinikum Magdeburg Zentrale Sterilgutversorungsabteilung | KMDZSVA | | |
Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Board | KFH | | |
Clinical Center Pastoral Care | SEELS | | |
Clinical Competence Center of Allergology Saxony-Anhalt | KASA | | |
Ambulance Service (general) | KTD | | |
Externe Dozenten/Lehrbeauftragte | LEHRE | | |
Innovation in image-guided interventions and surgery | LIAM | | |
Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology | LIN | | |
Life Systems Medizintechnik-Service GmbH | LIFE | | |
Magdeburg Support Group for Children with Cancer | MFKK | | |
Klinisches Krebsregister Sachsen-Anhalt gGmbH | KKR | | |
Magdeburg Anti-Cancer League | KLIGA | | |
Magdeburger Uniklinik Service GmbH | MUKS | | |
Order of Malta Volunteers | MHD | | |
UKMD Medical Care Centre | MVZ | | |
MVZ Im Altstadtquartier | MVZAQ | | |
MLR System GmbH (AWT H60/H10) | MLR | | |
President's Office of Otto von Guericke University | ROVGU | | |
Otto von Guericke University Staff Council (incl. FME) | PROVGU | | |
Pfeiffersche Stiftungen Magdeburg | PFS | | |
Representative for severely disabled people OVGU | SBVOVGU | | |
R+S Dienstleistungen GmbH | RSDIENST/RSD | | |
Pneumological Respiratory Therapy Centre | PATZ | | |
Sports Medicine / Olympic Support Centre Magdeburg | SMOS | | |
Magdeburg/Saxony-Anhalt Tumour Centre | TZSA | | |
Association for Seriously Ill Children and their Families | VSKE | | |
Universitätsklinikum Halle | UKH | | |
UMR Cleaning Service GmbH | UMR | | |
Centre for Neuroscientific Innovation and Technology | ZENIT | | |